As recommended by the QI Elves on Twitter: 
Make sure you download your FREE Cryptic Companion to Bless the Buccaneer with Barbecued Blood, with almost 700 cryptic questions on the words in the book, but you'll have to buy the book to find the answers. You can also follow the Cryptic Q of the Day on my Twitter account at Marcoloe, with answers and explanations the next day.
Here are the books I have already written and published. They are all available via my main publishing site Liondale.

Endings is a collection of ten short stories in which the beginnings are of no consequence. The only thing that matters to these stories is the manner of their endings. These ten tales are imaginings of what might be. And when they end, there is no going back. The ending is final. Are you ready to discover your ending?
You can download here, for free, one of the stories, Diet or Die? Hope you enjoy it. Visit the Liondale site to buy the book.

140 Stories of Exactly 140 Characters (Each) is a Twitter-age composition which speaks for itself with its title. There are 140 stories, each comprising exactly 140 characters and each based on a simple idea, which you may or may not know, but which is a lot of fun to try to work out. Visit the Liondale site to get your free pdf copy of the book.

The Other Dictionary is a dictionary like no other, which takes a radically different look at a selection of words in the English language in a new and unprecedented light. It's a wry look at these words and gives alternative definitions of them based largely on their pronunciation. It's designed to amuse and entertain first-language speakers of English, as well as advanced second-language speakers. I hope you enjoy reading, deciphering and quoting the words and definitions at dinner parties, in the pub and at the gym. Remember: there is no other dictionary other than The Other Dictionary. Visit the Liondale site to download a sample or buy the book.

The Latin Heart of English: English language practice of words of Latin origin - Volume 1 is the first of two books for English language students, practising English vocabulary based on and grouped under their original Latin roots. It consists of one hundred exercises with explanations for each Latin root, a short history of Latin derivations in English, notes on the pronunciation of Latin words and also notes on the meanings of prefixes and answers to all the exercises. It can be used for class or individual practice. Visit the Liondale site to download a sample or buy the book.

The Liondale English Language Series: Volume 1 is the first of a series of books for English language students practising English grammar and vocabulary from a different perspective than those of other practice books. It includes exercises on tenses, affixation, vocabulary usage, spelling, proofreading and plays on words, as well as many other exercises. The purchase of this book in any format also gives you a subscription to the same activities in interactive format, as well as a growing number of teaching ideas and activities, on my educational website eflworksheets.com. Visit the Liondale site to download a sample or buy the book.